
Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day fun!

We enjoyed some quality time as a family on Memorial Day with a lovely cookout!  I have really enjoyed trying some new yummy summer recipes so far this year that I will def. share on the blog at some point!  There is something so relaxing and laid back about summer food.  We also pulled Belle pink pool out and enjoyed a little dip! Belle loved "watering" her pool and actually got in for a bit, before I put her bathing suit on!  Oh well :) it was a great day!

Notice Belle's tongue,it is her new thing, always out!

Memorial Day weekend

We headed up to the mountains for a little visit with Grandpa and Lizzie. Belle was excited to "take a trip up the mountain."  We took her baby stroller so she could walk her baby to the river, which she loved! 

She loved going to club for dinner and was so fashionable with the purse Lizzie gave her to carry.

 Even though, she was out late on Saturday she still did great and even tried to sneak some blue berries out of her diaper bag when we were getting ready for bed and 8:45pm, little stinker!

On Sunday morning we took Belle and Buddy down to the New River to play and they both loved it!  It is so gorgeous!

This is a beautiful new house that they are building in Dad and Liz's neigbhorhood, we can't wait to see the final product!

We had a great visit, thanks guys!!

I can complete sentences!

Belle can complete so many sentences these days:

1.  I like it!!! (For anything she loves), Bunnies hop in the forest, Lions go roar, I love the pink elephant, We need to go go, I need to swing outside, It is hot out here, Be right back, I'm coming Mommy
 Love you Momma and Daddy, I'm hungry, please give me some food, Where did Mommy go? and  I want to call Daddy
So many others, just some of our favorites.  She can basically hold a complete conversation with us these days!  So awesome!

"Ceree" or Cereal

Belle loves eating with cereal with her Daddy in the morning.  It is one of their special times together. More and more Belle asks for "ceree" on a regular basis.

Here she is hard at work eating her "ceree".

The little bunny goes hop!

Belle has a bunny towel with the floppy ears and tail from pottery barn kids that she loves, see picture below.  Lately as we have been talking about what all types of animal habits, Belle loves to immitate their actions.  After bath time, she asks for her  "bunny towel" puts it on and hops all over the house, love it!

Loving baby dolls!

Belle just loves her babies!  She loves strolling them around, feeding them, rocking them and caring for them.  I love that she is so affectionate!


Belle always seems to get 4 teeth at one time, so we have only experienced "teething" three times so far.  Well, now we are again experiencing 4 teeth at one time, but this time it has been a little harder with the canines.  She has been up much more at night and MUCH more irritable. As you can tell from lots of her pictures  lately she hasn't been too happy! But thankfully they are finally starting to break through so we will have a teething reprieve until three, or so?  Even when she isn't feeling well she still loves to be outside!  We love how much she explores nature!

Mom told me I would get my pay back!

My Mom has always told me that I would get my pay back with Belle! That is in terms of clothes, when I was little I put together some interesting combinations and my Dad would ask if I was going to leave the house in whatever I was wearing numerous times!  Well, this is far from being as tacky as I was when I was little, but this is Belle's first attempt of dressing herself. Note:  her actual outfit is adorable, but when you add the rain jacket(that she refused to take off to take a bath, so we took a bath with it), shoes and lovely hat it really tops it off!  She is definitely becoming much more independent and starting to have opinions on ALL sorts of things!  Are the "2's" in our immediate future? I think so!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

We enjoyed a great day with both of our Mom's and a little outdoor dining late this afternoon!!!  Belle loved having Gigi and Grams over to play and of course Pap too! 

We are so fortunate to have all sorts of wonderful women in our lives!!!

We didn't snap very many pics today due to chasing the little one around, but here is a horrible pic of me and my sweety on Mother's Day!

A Saturday celebration of Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's Day on Saturday, we celebrate with our little family on Saturday and with both of our Mom's on Sunday!  Bri and Belle took me out to a yummy lunch and we ran some errands.  We LOVED the beautiful weather and spent a lot of the day outside.  After Belle's nap we headed to yo foria for some yummy frozen yogurt.  My dear friend Linda always raves about it so I was so excited to hear we were getting one here!  Belle loved her first "frozen yogurt" experience, but think the cold was a little sensitive on her teeth so she stuck to the blueberries until it melted a bit.

Later in the evening Bri cooked me a marvelous dinner one of my favs lamb chops!  I called him the one armed grill bandit :)

We had such a lovely day!!!  Plus Belle gave me the adorable present she made me, pics to come later  :)

Buckles, buckles, buckles

Can I please tell you how obsessed our sweet pea is with buckles?  I think she would seriously play with them all day, snapping strollers, suitcases and her high chair!  I told Bri we need to get her a board of snap buckles for her birthday.  Here she is hard at work with her high chair, which I might add she can climb up and buckle herself in ALL by herself!!

Not too much camera time lately

As many of our lovely family and friends know, Bri had surgery almost two weeks ago on his shoulder.  While it was much more intensive then they initially thought but we are so fortunate that it went so well.  Bri is recovery really well and working hard at physical therapy.  But, he is in a sling for a least six weeks so things are and will continue to be a little crazy at our house!